I have finally come across an accurate guitar tab that brilliantly transcodes one of my favorite songs from the 90's, Burden In My Hand by Sound Garden. I remember many hang ups as a teenager trying to learn this song and have a rough time because the song is in an obscure open turning and every "free" tab out there was getting baffled by this right off the start—pretty gruelling to learn a song that is tabbed in the wrong turning to say the least!
This last year I came across a website that has transformed my guitar playng by making tabs much more accurate and the rhythm of the song is built in so there are no guesses with the time signature or any other important piece of musical information that free tab sites seems to frequently get stumped on. Don't get me wrong, the LE version of this tab site is also free, but what makes it great, is that it employs a strong interface that is incredibly intuitive for the guitar player.
Check out the website, http://www.songsterr.com/ and skip the frustration that faulty tabs will bring you! Unnecessary frustration when a guitar player like yourself should be focusing on developing your own style and recruiting more groupies. Below is the cover tune, it is an ode to my former tab-frustrated teenager self and the awesome readers of my blog, enjoy!